In Memory of Rev Ron Oliver





ron Oliver grew up in east Texas and was called to preach at the age of 16. Graduated in 1968 from Texas Bible College in Houston, TX.  Bro. Oliver then evangelized for a season and pastored in Big Spring, TX. The Oliver’s then moved to Valley City, ND in 1972, and planted a church. Valley Apostolic is still preaching the Apostolic message that Pastor Oliver introduced into that community.  

On March 12th , of 1978, Pastor Ron Oliver and his wife, Cheryl, along with their 3 small sons, preached their first service as pastor of Apostolic Temple, in El Paso, TX. Under his leadership, Apostolic Temple flourished and touched the lives of countless families, especially in the military community. His ministry was truly an oasis in the middle of the desert. Pastor Oliver was a scholar and student of the Word, a lover of books and knew how to get the most out of them. He loved to work in his woodshop and built beautiful pieces of furniture. He served the Texico District of the United Pentecostal Church in several different positions, locally and district wide.  He was a lover of truth and righteousness, and so enjoyed preaching about Grace!

In 1994, the new church building that he designed and built, debt free, was dedicated. What a season of rejoicing that was!  Pastor and Sis. Oliver are great examples of how you can overcome great loss, and still serve, worship and be faithful to God. In 1991, they lost their youngest son, Aaron, unexpectedly and later the new building to a fire in 2003. The church family rallied and rebuilt. To God be all the glory! 

On March 12th  of 2020, 42 years to the day that he began pastoring in El Paso. He received the diagnoses that he did not have long to live. The next week, our nation, was thrown into the Covid19 pandemic. God graciously allowed us to have Pastor Oliver during this difficult and unsure season. On June 2nd, 2021, at the age of 75,  Pastor Oliver was called to his eternal home, the place that he preached about and longed to see. He was our pastor for 43 years and we were blessed to sit under his ministry. He is survived by his wife, Cheryl of 55 years and sons, Jeff and Anthony Oliver. His legacy lives on in the lives of his 6 grandchildren and the church family of Apostolic Temple. May we finish strong and live out what he taught us. 

These funds will go toward the Ron and Aaron Oliver Memorial Scholarship fund. Pastor Oliver was in the first full class of Texas Bible College in the fall of 1964.  Aaron, his late son had dreamed of following his dad’s and brothers’ footsteps  and wished to attend their alma mater. This scholarship will help a student from Texico District to attend Texas Bible College.
If contributing online (through Tithely) please choose “General Fund” and in the memo/note area put in Ron and Aaron Oliver  memorial scholarship.
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Be sent to:
Apostolic Temple
P.O. Box 962290
El Paso, TX 79996